The beginning of each new week is a chance to accomplish something astounding. Every one of those upcoming seven days is a new moment in life. It’s an opportunity to examine if you’re doing what you need to do in order to have a fabulous week.

Regardless of whether it’s making objectives, managing your health, bringing another person, or working on taking more time for you, making goals at the start of each week will ensure you start the week off right.

Let’s take a look at the following checklist items, that even I use, to make sure I go into a new week feeling fabulous. 

Healthy Meal Prepping For Better Functioning

Have A Fabulous Week maria antoinette tmablog

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When you’re entering into a new week, it is advised to have a balanced diet plan. It is observed that people with a nutritious balanced diet function better than those who do not. When you prep for the week it will save you time and money as you won’t have to decide what to eat nor waste money on expensive takeout lunches.

Your meals for the week should include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. The moment when you start planning out your meals, life will become simpler, more delicious, and significantly more fun – especially when trying new dishes. Not just that, having a diet plan assists you with shopping better and getting dinners on the table in a given time.

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Having a healthy meal plan also works for children. When they see you eating healthy they will follow suit. It will also get them excited about trying new foods. They’ll become eager and ask what the following dinner will be. Because their bodies react the same to eating healthily it will improve their demeanor allowing them to focus, be more energic, and all-around happier.

Create A Weekly Grocery List

Speaking of grocery shopping, if you aren’t already doing so, create a grocery list. This list will help you save time and money when replenishing your cupboards because you’ll only be shopping for items that you need. You don’t be roaming the aisle unsure of whether you should buy something. With your meal plan ingredients listed, you’ll be buying exactly what you need without the risk of buying something you don’t need.

Additional Tip: Another thing you should be doing is ordering your groceries online. The best thing about ordering groceries online is don’t have to leave your house, you’re avoiding possible long lines, you save a bit of gas, and the order arrives when you need it to. This leaves you time to do other things on your list for the week or nothing at all because relaxing is always a good thing.

Mark Important Calendar Dates

It’s one thing to have a schedule and a few dates memorized but it’s something else entirely to lay out your schedule. Now is the time to go uncover the planner you purchased at the start of the year from underneath the heap of papers on your desk and crack it open. Review the week and see what you have not too far off.

Doing so will mean that you’re not overextending yourself or double-booking yourself. Being able to see clearly what your schedule looks like in advance will allow you to plan your week around those activities. Therefore, reducing the stress of having little time to prepare, running from one place to the next with little time in between, or worse forgetting an event entirely. 

Prioritize Your Daily Exercise For The Week

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Have A Fabulous Week maria antoinette tmablog

Exercise is the most crucial part of your weekly management and achieving weekly goals. Exercise has the unique power to stimulate your hormones. It builds a positive attitude and gives you the strength to achieve goals. Odd however it could be, exercise will really give you more energy not less. The human body likes to continue to move; it was made for that. So get yours in gear this week. Go for a stroll with a companion, do some yoga stretches, or take a dip.

Take A Break And Roam Outside

Fresh air is useful for everybody. It can clear your head, loosen up, and assist you to calm down. The option is truly up to you regarding what you want to do.  You can do a dedicated activity or you can venture out and try something new.  The options are endless when it comes to outdoor activities such as hiking in the mountains, swimming, or gardening. Regardless of what you choose to do, get out and enjoy the fresh air. 

Reading Is Food For Your Brain

Reading is the best and easiest brain exercise you can perform in the free time of your week. When you read you stimulate your creativity and enhance your understanding. Of course, it is probably the best hobby for personality development. Think of a few books you want to read – I’m sure your to-read list is pretty long. Choose one and track your progress. At the end of the book, you’ll be so satisfied with your accomplishment that you’ll be geared up to start the next book on your list.

Socialize With Your Friends

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Have A Fabulous Week maria antoinette tmablog

As individuals, we blossom with social collaboration. Alone time is extraordinary and essential, however, it’s important to make time for your friends. Touching base with them is helpful to all as these are relationships that are important to us. It also allows everyone to share what’s been happening in their lives as well as vent out stresses. 


The end of the week is an ideal chance to zero in on you. You would be able to reflect, practice meditation, and just overall rest your body. Self-care gives you an opportunity to replenish and rejuvenate yourself. I personally prefer to do self-care on the weekends so that I can begin Monday feeling more grounded and more ready to manage the week ahead. You can of course practice self-care whenever you need to. There is no right or wrong way to take care of you.

Start The Day With Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations serve a much larger purpose than simply reciting some phrases in the mirror. They are beneficial to our mental health and overall physical health. Place positive messages around your home in places you’ll see them every day and recite them out loud. You don’t have to be in the mirror you can do this while you make your morning coffee or putting away laundry. You’ll find that the more you tell yourself these positive messages the better you’ll feel about yourself while also recognizing that you’re capable of doing anything you set your mind to.

Document Your Weekly Progress

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Have A Fabulous Week maria antoinette tmablog

Remember that planner you’re using to jot down important dates? Well, you’re going to use it to track your day-to-day progress. Doing so will help you to increase your efficiency every progressive week. When you write it down, it helps you to sort down your expectations. It will assess your achievements and help you to plan better for the next week and month ahead.


What are some ways that you ensure you have a fabulous week? Share with me in the comments below.

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Maria Antionette is a professional hairstylist, DIY creator and fashion lover with a belief that beauty can be fun, easy and simple.
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