It can be so difficult to get to the gym. Between being a wife, mother, employee, entrepreneur, daughter, or therapist to your bestie (haha!), time is not always on our side. If you are anything like myself then you may already be freaking out because the year is almost over and your winter body from the previous year is still here. We all have heard the saying “summer bodies are made in the winter” right? But come on sis, we have lives, responsibilities, and obligations how in the world are we going to get to the gym everyday, get a personal trainer, AFFORD a personal trainer, have glowing skin, take care of the kids, go to work, be nice to strangers, do our hair, and remember to get some sleep? I am on the verge of an anxiety attack right now just thinking about that list!

But what if I told you that you don’t have to go into the new year feeling stressed about your fitness goals. I’m going to share with you some inspiring fitness instructors that offer exercise, fitness and nutrition tips, as well as endless amounts of positivity and encouragement on their social media accounts! Now sit back and get ready for some #blackgirlmagic!


Shekita Driskill – @shekita_d


Shekita is a fitness instructor that you should definitely keep on your radar. Although she has been doing yoga for several years, she is just recently really expanding her brand. She is part of a phenomenal fitness studio called Power in Posture. Although she originated as a yoga instructor she also does personal training as well. On Shekita’s page you will find exercises and motivation. Even greater than these two things, you will discover her optimistic spirit and energy. Self balance and control are two things that Shekita has challenged me to perfect!

Latoya Shauntay Snell – @iamlshauntay

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I came across Latoya randomly one day on my explorer page on Instagram, and I received an immediate dosage of #blackgirlmagic. I absolutely love to see people defy stereotypes, and still be able to do it with grace. If you are new to following Latoya you may have recently saw all the articles about the marathon runner who was body shamed…well sis, that marathon runner is Latoya. If you are looking for meal ideas, inspiration to get off your butt and get moving, or a reminder to be confident in your own skin, make sure you are following her on Instagram.

Lita Lewis – @followthelita

Oh Lita, Lita, Lita! Any person promoting a thick and fit lifestyle has all of my attention. Let’s be honest though, we may or may not workout better in some dope clothing as well (or is that just me? Ha!). Lita has her own line of athletic wear that promotes empowering messages such as “thick thighs save lives”. I’m here for it! Aside from bomb workout tees you will see colorful palettes of food across her page and a wide variety of workouts, some of which can be done with a partner! What I find most encouraging about her page though are her throwback and progression pictures. It is always good to see where people started from to help understand their journey and grind!

Massy Arias – @massy.arias

Massy is pretty much MUVA or the G.O.A.T. The things that she does with her body makes me speechless from time to time. On Massy’s page, you will find inspiration, healthy meals, exercises, and fun dancing routines. Throughout her page, you get to see her beautiful personality shine through and also get to witness her dedication to health and fitness. Massy reminds me daily that I am unstoppable. Through the exercises that she demonstrates she teaches myself and others that our bodies are capable of doing more than most of us can fathom. With her, it is all about dedication. After watching some of her videos of her working out on the subway, in hotel rooms, and out with her daughter, Indie, I began to ask myself “how bad do you truly want to transform your body, Brittany

I know the year is almost over but that does not mean that it is too late to take your workouts up a notch or get serious about those fitness goals. Remember being healthy looks different for every single person. Make sure you hop on Instagram and follow these ladies for motivation, fitness tips, workouts, a boost of confidence, and of course for your sprinkling of #blackgirlmagic.

Thanks so much for reading! What are some of your favorite exercises to do when you cannot make it to the gym? For more of my writings on health and fitness head on over to IntoBritsWorld.

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Brittany Spencer is a full time wife and mother who has a heart for spreading awareness for autism and holistic health. She believes that finding the balance within yourself can unlock not only your purpose but also your full potential. Her passion for holistic health is the inspiration behind her blog and her all natural and organic product line, Curfew. You can find her at or IG: @intobritsworld
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