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We are now fully into the New Year. Do we still have New Year’s resolutions? Or are we just being go-getters? I am sure that whatever method you have decided to enter the New Year with, I can guarantee some of us have thought about this topic – fitness. According to Web MD, a third of people make weight loss their primary goal. Which is really not surprising to me; I am sure some people reading this are thinking to themselves I am a part of the third! But what happens when physically going to a gym sometimes does not match our schedules – or pockets? Well, I have some great equipment that’s multi-purpose and that you can use at home! They are great for full-body exercises, cardio, and weight loss. Because before we know it, the summer will be here. And we have to all get ready to be snatched!

Yoga Mat – $7 and Up

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Some of the best exercises can be done on this mat. From stretching to crunches to performing actual yoga exercises, this mat is essential to a workout. Even when I am soar or do not feel up to doing vigorous exercises, I use my yoga mat. Making sure you stretch is key to your fitness journey. You can find a yoga mat from anywhere that sells workout equipment.

Exercise (Balance) Ball – $10 and Up

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exercising april christina maria antoinette tma blog

This is by far been one of the challenging yet rewarding exercises that I am learning how to do. It teaches you balance and it’s shown me how much imbalance I have with my body! If you think that this ball does not do the trick, then you are sadly mistaken. The use of an exercise ball

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has helped me build more resistance in my core. The great thing about purchasing this ball is that some of them have exercises on them. So they are user friendly for all people on any level of their fitness lifestyle.

Resistant Tube (Band) – $10and Up

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Resistant bands are my newfound favorite workout tool. I would have never thought that a simple rope would be able to do a full body exercise, but it can. What I love most about this rope I that, you can tie or connect it to anything and its resistance will work, Also, they come in various resistance. So you can build yourself up to a stronger intensity over time. And you can buy them in a set which are more affordable versus purchasing each one separately – if you want to remain consistent with this specific tool.

Together all three of these exercise tools will run you under $50. That isn’t too bad, right? And just think, they are ones you can continue to use. Exercising can become a task at times. It is not always the easiest to go to the gym. I am speaking from experience. But I believe that having the right equipment to start out with is part of the battle. Once you see that working out no matter where you are is key, the other half of the battle is won. Having tools handy are essential in making sure that you reach your goals for 2018.

Also, if you’re worried about your hair while you’re working out, here are some tips to keep your hair fresh as you get fit.

What exercising equipment are you using to get your workout done? Comment below, I’d love to hear from you! Be sure to follow me on my healthy journey on IG @imaprilchristina.

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April Christina is a health and wellness blogger that resides in New York City. After being diagnosed with endometriosis back in 2010, she decided to turn her passion into purpose by educating people that adopting a healthier lifestyle can be fun and invigorating. April is a firm believer that loving yourself and your body comes from within first before it can be shown outwardly. She continues to inspire people on her website endoNme.com and Instagram platform @endoNme.
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