So you want to be a plant mom. Only thing is, you’re a beginner who doesn’t know what kind of plant you want, let alone how to care for this new plant. I’m here to tell you there is no reason to worry as there are a number of plants that are not only easy to care for but that can also handle a bit of neglect. I remember starting out as a new plant mom several years ago and I’ll tell you I was concerned too. My first step was to remove the negative thinking that I was going to kill this plant to maybe it will live a year…lol. No, seriously we are going to remove the stigma of the black thumb! Here is a list of house plants for beginners that aren’t easy to kill, no matter how much you forgetfully neglect it.

Before we dive in here are a few important things to remember about plants that are easy to maintain but are hard to kill:

  • They can survive in low light.
  • They’ll be able to adjust to ordinary household temperature and humidity.
  • Can survive periods of neglect.
  • The plants can grow correctly in succulent or potting soil.


Aloe plants do well when placed in parts of your home that receive indirect sunlight. You have to be cautious when watering it because too much water and you will run the risk of over-saturating it. It’s suggested that you water aloe once every other week or every other week. In the winter you can ease up on the watering since the weather won’t be as hot and it won’t soak up the water as fast. As the plant grows the leaves should grow upwards. If the leaves grow downward then it may not be getting sufficient light so you’ll have to move it to a new spot. Click HERE to learn more about being an Aloe mom.


house plants for beginners maria antoinette tmablog

This is the easiest of all the plants to raise. They grow like wildfire and require very little maintenance. This plant is easily recognizable with its long vine and heart-shaped leaves. This plant can thrive in indirect lighting and places with no lighting at all. Speaking of the vine, don’t worry it doesn’t cling to anything but you can train it to grow in the direction you want. If you leave the plant unpruned be sure to shake loose the vines because while it won’t cling to anything in your home it will tangle onto itself. You should water your pothos every 3-7 days and be sure to allow the soil to completely dry out between waterings. Click HERE to learn more about being a Pothos mom.

Chinese Evergreen

While all the plants listed here are popular this one the most popular. Why is this plant so popular? It’s due to how easy it is to care for it. It requires little water so if you forget to water it or you need to go out of town for a few days you don’t have to worry about it. For it to thrive this plant needs low to medium light. Keep in a warm and humid spot. Avoid putting it in a drafty spot as it the cool air can turn the leaves brown. Click HERE to learn more about being a Chinese Evergreen mom.

Spider Plant

This plant is adaptable as it can grow in a number of conditions. It also grows quickly and requires little maintenance. They can grow in either low light or bright indirect light. Making it perfect for places that are both sunny and not so sunny. This plant will do well in high humidity but it’ll be fine in lower humidity too. It also needs to be in a potted in well-drained soil and careful not to overwater or the leaves will brown. As it grows it may start to flower and produce “spiderettes” that can be pruned and potted to create a new plant. Click HERE to learn more about being a Spider plant mom.


If your place doesn’t get a lot of light then the clalathea is for you. This plant likes indirect sunlight but the key is to not give it too much because you will see the leaves start to turn brown. While this plant is easy to care for you have to make sure you are giving it good quality water. Poor quality water will also cause the leaves to brown. Give it distilled or rainwater instead. Speaking of watering, make sure its evenly distributed. Click HERE to learn more about being a Calathea mom. 

Snake Plant

Snake plants are truly the perfect house plant. They can survive in low light and little water which is why it’s important to not overwater it. Use free draining soil to prevent rotting. Let the plant dry out between waterings. Once you get your plant growing you can always create more by simply cutting and repotting. Click HERE to learn more about being a Snake plant mom.

The Flaming Katy

This plant is both pretty and easy to care for. It grows well when neglected so if you forget about it don’t worry about it. It would be best if you watered them only when the soil dries out so you can go for two weeks without watering them. The plant goes perfectly with bright sunlight. Don’t stress if you don’t see any buds on the plant as you need to put it in the dark for 14 hrs each night twice in a month, and you will have fresh buds again. Click HERE to learn more about being a Flaming Katy mom.

Rubber Tree Plant

This tree plant can grow large, up to about 50ft tall. It’s recommended you get this as a young tree so that it can adapt to its surroundings. It’s easier to do it with a young tree rather than a mature tree. While taking care of this tree is rather easy it’s important that you give it a good balance of water and light. This tree needs bright indirect light that isn’t too hot to avoid burning the leaves. You also want to make sure it stays moist but be mindful, too much water will turn it yellow and it will droop. Once you get your tree going you can always make another by taking off a leaf and replanting it. Click HERE to learn more about being a Rubber Tree mom.

And there you have it! A list of great easy care for plants and trees that will give you all the confidence you need to be a great plant mom.

What are your favorite house plants for beginners? What was your first indoor plant? How did it turn out? Tag me in your #plantmom posts on IG using #TMABlog.


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Maria Antionette is a professional hairstylist, DIY creator and fashion lover with a belief that beauty can be fun, easy and simple.
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