We start so many things off with the best intentions that don’t always end up the way we planned. We begin projects that might not get finished despite our best efforts or we begin relationships with a promise that ends up in heartache. Every year at the start of the Christmas season, we begin planning for the holiday with Christ at the forefront of our minds. We plan to spend time reading and praying, thinking about the miracle of his birth and the sacrifices he made to save humanity. Instead, we wind up worshipping at the altar of commercialism. We become distracted by the flashing lights and the presents, and forget the person who all this celebration is for. How do we put our eyes back on the true meaning of Christmas the season? In other words, how do we put Christ back into Christmas?

Here are three easy ways to do that:

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Embrace the Christmas season

Get into the holiday spirit as early as possible and celebrate it all the way through the new year. You can also take part in the 12 Days of Christmas and the Epiphany of the Lord. The holiday season only comes around once a year, celebrate and enjoy it for as long as you can.

Make a commitment to prayers during the advent

Remember advent calendars? Those beautiful little calendars with a door each day that open to a wonderful treat? Consider during this advent punctuating each of your days with prayer. Take 20 minutes to sit once per day and contemplate the beauty of the season, and reflect on the life of Christ. In remembering his story and his suffering, you’ll see something new you didn’t before. Those dedicated times of prayer help to refresh our souls on a daily basis. Patience, tempers, and even depression can flare during this season. People can feel frustrated by the pressure the season places on us. Instead, place your will and your heart in the hands of the master.

Participate in a special bible study

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No matter the time of the year, you have access to special Bible studies. Have you ever considered doing a Christmas themed Bible study? That could be the very thing you need to shift your focus back to the Lord this season. Doing a special Christmas Bible Study will be a special time with Christ that you’ll always remember. Maybe you’ll love it so much that it will become a part of your yearly Christmas traditions, and it will be a time you treasure always.

Join a group of like-minded individuals

Like so many things in life, if you are thinking of increasing your devotional time this Christmas season, you’re probably not the only one feeling that way. Look around your church congregation or find your online pals and ask them to come on this journey with you. This will give you the opportunity to have accountability and fellowship for your holiday journey.

Go to church

I know this may sound like an obvious thing to do but there are an awful lot of people who aren’t going to church. Now I understand work and home life with the kids can make it difficult to always attend church but you should make it a point to attend as often as possible. Check your church’s worship calendar and set your schedule to service dates and times. In addition, you should also plan on attending Christmas Eve and Christmas morning service. Nothing says putting Christ back into Christmas than attending service that celebrates the birth of Jesus.

Just like anything else, you’re going to need to keep it at the forefront of your mind to remember to think of Christ on a regular basis during the holiday season. There are more distractions in modern society than there ever has been. Use these tips to guide you towards concentrating on what really matters this season, and getting back to living a life that is worthy of those who He has called by name. Your Christmas will be so much merrier when you remember the reason why we are here at all.

Do you have any tips that help you keep the Christ in Christmas? Share with me in the comments below.

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Maria Antionette is a professional hairstylist, DIY creator and fashion lover with a belief that beauty can be fun, easy and simple.
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