My Go To Goddess Braid and MakeUp Look

My Go To Goddess Braid and MakeUp Look

We all have our standard look we have mastered. Whether we are getting ready in a rush or want to avoid over-thinking how to start our day. It could be a bun and slayed edges or a “wash and go” pineapple! Well, this is my current “go to” look!...
How to Apply Strip Lashes like a Pro

How to Apply Strip Lashes like a Pro

I think we all can agree, applying faux lashes can be intimidating to say the least. In addition to the intimidating part, some of us frown upon wearing lashes solely because we have seen them applied the wrong way far too many times! Don’t worry. I am going to...
Cranberry Smoky Eye Makeup Tutorial

Cranberry Smoky Eye Makeup Tutorial

Nothing says the holiday season is here like the perfect cranberry smoky eye!!! This tutorial will give you step-by-step instructions to create an amazing cranberry smoky eye.  One thing to keep in mind, always remember to blend, blend and blend!  This Cranberry smoky...
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