My Go To Goddess Braid and MakeUp Look
We all have our standard look we have mastered. Whether we are getting ready in a rush or want to avoid over-thinking how to start our day. It could be a bun and slayed edges or a "wash and go" pineapple! Well, this is my current "go to" look! I wanted to share how I...
Protective Styles Work Best for Fitness and Here’s Why
Protective styles are not only convenient, they're critical in helping to manage both your time & hair. Any workout fanatic can attest to this. Personally, braids or extensions are a go-to style for my exercise regimen. I find them easy to maintain both during and...
5 Ways to Keep Your Natural Hair Fresh As You Get Fit
So you’re comfortably on the seat of your couch, scrolling through your phone knowing should be using that time to probably work out. Then you remind yourself that you had a good reason to stop: the working out thing was messing with your natural hair. It happens to...
Top 5 Travel Size Hair Kits for Every Naturlista
Packing for the perfect get away is one of the best ways to renew your excitement for an upcoming trip. Especially one that’s been on your radar for months. However, for some it can be an arduous task in deciding which ‘must-have’ hair items are necessary for travel....
My Curl Type Doesn’t Make Me Any Less Natural
Curls are curls. Some are tight and some are loose. Having a tighter curl doesn’t make your hair nappy and having a loose curl doesn’t make it more pretty. As women worldwide, embrace their natural curl pattern, let’s cut out the comparison and criticism. We all need...