
2022 Holiday Guide: 25 Lifestyle Gift Ideas
It's that time of year again when I compile my annual holiday guide and select gifts that will be a hit this holiday season. Five sections make up the guide: natural hair, DIY/crafting, wellness, gardening, and kitchen. There will be something for everyone as I have...

Do It Yourself Hair Hack: Repurposing An Old Wig To Make It New Again
Raise your hand if you have a wig in a closet or dresser drawer that you haven't worn in a long time. It could be put away because it's an older style, you didn't like how the style looked on you, or you haven't quite figured out how to wear a wig. But what if I told...

Eyebrow Tint That You Can Do Yourself At Home In 7 Easy Steps
Today I'm going to save you time and money by showing you how to tint your eyebrows yourself at home. I was surfing the web and I came across it and I couldn't believe it. I just had to try it and the results were amazing. It's changed my whole eyebrow routine. This...

Skin Care Tips To Maintain Your Summer Glow In The Fall
Just because summer is leaving that doesn't mean your beautiful summery glow has to go with it. As you follow the same morning routine in every season that is washing, hydrating, and moisturizing. But, yet you're feeling something different and after every two to...

10 Ways to Strengthen Your Nails and Get Them Growing
The strength and condition of someone’s nails signify their wellbeing. In any case, abuse of specific products, bad nourishment, and numerous other normal ways of life preferences can all straightforwardly influence the wellbeing and essentialness of an individual's...