Racial trauma has been ingrained in our lives for generations. No matter where we go, there it is – even in a pandemic. There is no escape. So what exactly is racial trauma? Also known as race-based traumatic stress, it’s the emotional, mental, and pain that follows first-hand racial mistreatment and/or viewing the mistreatment on social media. Racial trauma effects children and adults, and can have a negative effect on their life that includes but isn’t limited to their relationships, mental and physical health, lack of focus at school or work, and a loss sense of security.

Ways of Coping With Racial Trauma

There are a number of things that one can do to help cope with the effects of racial trauma such as unplugging from social media, practice mental self-care and meditation, keep a note of what things trigger your trauma and ways that you can. You can also become an activist. In this capacity you can help bring change to the system and help others get through the trauma they’re facing. However, it’s important to know your limits and take mental and emotional breaks when necessary.  

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But one of the most important things you can do to cope with racial trauma is to seek mental and emotional help. It’s okay to say, it’s too much to bear – because it is. The constant barrage of racial conflict and murders at the hands of the police are enough to break even the strongest of spirits and as such we must find ways to heal ourselves.

Now racial truama doesn’t only effect Black Americans it also affects the Indigenous, Latinx, LGBTQ, and Asian communities. As a result I have compiled a listing of mental health resources sepcific to these communities, as well as some general ones, that can help all of us cope with any mental health issues stemming f rom ravial trauma or whatever everyday life problem you might be currently facing.

Mental Health Resources For The African-American Community

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Mental Health Resources For The Indigenous Community

  • One Sky Center: The American Indian/Alaska Native National Resource Center for Health, Education, and Research – This gathering is attempting to improve the counteraction and treatment of mental health and substance use issues and administrations among Native individuals.
  • WeRNative: A comprehensive health resource for Native youth by Native youth, which expects to advance holistic health and positive growth of Native Youth.
  • Indian Country Child Trauma Center: The ICCTC was established to develop trauma-related treatment protocols, outreach materials, and service delivery guidelines specifically designed for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children and their families.
  • The National American Indian and Alaska Native MHTTC: The purpose of the MHTTC Network is disseminating and implementing evidence-based practices for mental disorders into the field.

Mental Health Resources For The Latinx Community

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  • Therapy For LatinX: They provide therapy resources for the hipanic communityin order to help the community heal, thrive, and become advocates for their own mental health.
  • Mental Health America (for Latinx/Hispanic Communities): Provides spanish-speaking resources relating to mental health. They also translate resource materials and screening tools.
  • National Alliance For Hispanic Health: National Alliance for Hispanic Health is the premier science-based and community-driven organization that focuses on the best health for all. They achieve this by listening to individuals, investing in leading community based organizations, working with national partners, examining and improving the resources and systems available, and designing solutions to make health a part of each person’s life.
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Mental Health Resources For The Asian Community

Mental Health Resources For LGBTQ Community

Mental Health Directory maria antoinette tmablog

  • QTPoC Mental Health Practitioner: Virtual directory of mental health practitioners the nation over for eccentric and trans minorities, given by the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network.
  • The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA): Is a federation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) organizations. We seek to build the organizational capacity of local LGBT AAPI groups, develop leadership, promote visibility, educate our community, enhance grassroots organizing, expand collaborations, and challenge anti-LGBTQ bias and racism.
  • The Center: The Center fosters a welcoming environment where everyone is celebrated for who they are. They offer the LGBTQ communities of NYC advocacy, health, and wellness programs; arts, entertainment and cultural events; recovery, parenthood and family support services.
  • Human Rights Campaign (QTBIPOC Mental Health and Well-Being): Is a directoy of numbers for suicide prevention broken down by demographic and therapy resources and apps.
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: This 24/7 hotline is has trained peer counselors to help those talk about everything from mental illness, coming out, dating, and sexual health.

Mental Health Resources For Adolescents

  • Teen Counseling: Teen Counseling is an online platform where teens from ages 13-19 can get help from a licensed therapist online. Teen Couseling believes that all teens can benefit from having a professional counselor at their fingertips to discuss topics rangin from mental health to everyday struggles.
  • Teen Therapy Center of Silicon Valley: They examine, challenge, and alter our thoughts to facilitate emotional and behavioral change. In addition, they also work to strengthen communication, redefine roles, and restore healthy boundaries in order to improve both individual and family functioning.
  • Mental Health Literacy: This Canadian resource website that is committed to creating and delivering the highest quality mental health literacy information, research, education and resources. The materials they provide come in various mediums that include videos, animations, brochures, e-books, face-to-face training programs, and online training programs. These materials are specifically designed to meet the needs of children, youth, young adults, families, educators, community agencies, and health care providers.

General Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Directory maria antoinette tmablog

  • Headspace: Headspace is for adults and children. They help young people as young as aged 12 thorugh adulthood who are going through a tough time. They provide support for problems such as anxiety, alcohol and drugs, bipolar disorder, bullying, eating disorders, grief, medications, sexuality, and gender identity.
  • Inclusive Therapists: Virtual directory of socially equipped and social equity arranged therapists; incorporates a rundown of therapists as of now offering diminished charge teletherapy.
  • Mental Health America: Founded in 1909 by Clifford W. Beers, Mental Health America (MHA) is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all.
  • National Alliance For Mental Health: NAMI (for short) provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families from all walks of life who are affected by mental illness can build better lives. Its vision is to have a world where all people affected by mental illness can live healthy, fulfilling lives supported by a community that cares.

Mental Health Directory maria antoinette tmablog

Do you know of any a mental health directory or resource website that is geared towards mental health that is not listed above? Share with me in the comments below so that we can keep this list going.

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Maria Antionette is a professional hairstylist, DIY creator and fashion lover with a belief that beauty can be fun, easy and simple.
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