Finding my way back to reading is one of the habits I decided to incorporate in my lifestyle this year. There are many great books that you can learn from. Even if you decide to read at least 1 book a month that would be great progress. Make it a habit to read at least 1 chapter a day and that can help you reach your reading goal. Whether it is on your commute or before bed, there is always time to read. Here are three books I recommend reading whenever you find the time.

Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson


It is a small book of less than 200 pages. This is an easy and fast read. It can be done in literally one sitting. It is the story of that narrator and three girlfriends coming of age in the inner city during the 1970s. Woodson has a beautiful way with words, blurring the line between novel and poetry. I wanted to consider this one great; however, something was lacking in the way of maturity for me. It felt like a young adult read, but a solid one.

Queen Sugar by Natalie Baszile

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Queen Sugar is now a series on OWN. If you read the book, it won’t spoil the actual show. Although they are similar, there are a few differences which are very interesting. Charley is still the main protagonist who moves from California to Louisiana to run her father’s farm. It may take some time to adjust to the writing of the author Baszile, which is very descriptive. However, it helps the reader become familiar with the complexities of sugarcane farming and in turn, provides a better understanding of the challenge Charley is facing.

Years of Yes by Shonda Rhimes


This book is telling you to say “Yes” to real friendships, love, your weight, saying no and using your voice. It is such a powerful book that we can learn from and we can each relate to at least one aspect of the book. It tells you that you matter and you have a voice so make sure to use it.  Be comfortable in your body, embrace it and accept who you really are while giving it the best you can. Say no when necessary. You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable because it is necessary for personal growth. Make sure you know who is around you and how comfortable you are being yourself around them. Lastly, be open to love and loving yourself even if that means saying no to someone else. On the more critical side, it was a bit repetitive. Nonetheless, it was a great book.

Let’s chat again in my upcoming post. In the meantime, feel free to share this post with your loved ones and stay in touch via IG: @aleeexxpb

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Hi! I'm Alexandra, a lifestyle blogger. I love expressing myself in writing and through my personal style. I live life each day at a time, and I have big dreams and goals I'd love to accomplish one day. Hope you stick around for more! Check out my blog and Instagram @aleeexxpb See you there!
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